Auto Enrolment Solutions for Financial Advisors

Financial Advisor Solutions

Do you need help providing Auto Enrolment Solutions for your clients? We have the processes and back up to enable you to simply refer business or provide you with additional services.

Not complying with the new regulations isn't an option. Your clients could face significant daily fines

The market place is in excess of 1.3m companies that will have to stage or review their pension scheme to comply. This is one of the biggest opportunities for Financial Advisers to secure new corporate clients and their employees.

What solutions do you have in place to make sure all your clients and prospects are ready for Auto Enrolment?
If you're not looking after them who is?

As a professional adviser, you’ll appreciate that implementing auto enrolment can be a significant challenge. We’ve identified 33 new responsibilities and duties employers will need to comply with. For example, assessing which employees are eligible, communicating with different groups of employees, managing the payroll, establishing thorough record keeping and much, much more.

Of course, not complying with the new regulations isn’t an option. Your clients could face significant daily fines (as much as £5,000 a day - more for companies with 500 plus employees).

Some of your clients may believe that the government pension scheme, NEST, will take care of the extra administration, but it won't, fortunately the providers on our panel have developed solutions that will. A solution that means your clients can stay focused on building their business – not running their pension scheme. A solution that works for you as well.

We offer a range of support services to Advisers to allow them to offer a complete Auto Enrolment solution to their clients. We essentially fill any gaps you may have in your existing Auto Enrolment proposition whether that is helping you to market and sell your proposition, implement compliant solutions to your clients or simply take a referral and leave you to get on with your business.

Contact us today to enquire about an agency with MAP Enrolment solutions.

Generate New Business Opportunities

We offer a number of marketing support services that will help you generate new Auto Enrolment based opportunities. Our experienced marketing team have been helping Advisers with their lead prospecting and marketing to obtain professional Introducers. Our web development team can also help you raise your profile online with modern, fresh looking websites and Auto Enrolment specific micro sites. We will supply you with email marketing, brochures and links that will help you operate a professional marketing campaign.

For Your Clients

Successful implementation of Auto Enrolment is all about effective communication and awareness. The fact remains that the majority of employees are unaware of Auto Enrolment, many advisers do not either have the time or resources to cope with the swell of companies requiring to stage over the next couple of years. MAP Enrolment Solutions is designed to help you through the maze. We can work with you by completing the full process alongside our panel members for your clients.

The client will receive:

  • An appointed MAP Enrolment Consultant
  • Assistance with all paper work and implementation
  • Certification that they have Enrolled
  • Online software for employees and employers to view the scheme contributions and benefits
  • Post staging administration support to ensure compliance with the rules and reporting
  • Helpline for employers and employees

For Your Introducers

Auto Enrolment is an ideal opportunity for you to increase your offering to or expand your network of professional introducers, The majority of accountants clients will need to review their position regarding Auto Enrolment, who is going to do this? Why not you?

We again offer the full MAP Enrolment support service for your Introducer with you acting as the conduit between all parties.

Auto Enrolment Sales Support

Our sales support is designed to help you convert your Auto Enrolment opportunities and grow your business. Support comes in the following forms.

  • MAP Enrolment Training We can help train your Advisers to increase their Auto Enrolment knowledge, putting them in a better position to service your clients. This can be presented in various formats (i.e. 1-2-1, small groups, seminars).

  • MAP Enrolment Referrals We can accept referral only business and we will then deal with the client keeping you informed of progress.

  • MAP Enrolment Sales Materials We can provide information packs, presentations, PDFs and other sales materials to help support your sales process.

  • MAP Enrolment Sales Tools Calculators, presentations, initial approach letters to companies and introducers, webinars for companies and introducers.

Auto Enrolment Implementation

Auto Enrolment is not just about pensions. Many Advisers expected to be able to simply refer their clients to the Government sponsored scheme or pass the responsibility on to a mainstream product provider. While this may seem a straightforward solution, it is not the case in reality and is presenting its own challenges.

Much of the work required to become Auto Enrolment compliant is administrative and is likely to make use of software or technology. We have built a team that will take care of the whole implementation process for your clients on your behalf.

You can be assured that our service will always be carried out to the highest possible standard and in a professional manner. We can help you with:

  • Building Auto Enrolment plans
  • Pre and Post staging date communications
  • Building and implementing a range of middleware and platform solutions
  • Education and training
  • Employer Help desk

Increase Your Knowledge of Auto Enrolment and learn how to operate your agency with MAP Enrolment Solutions

MAP Enrolment Solutions provides training for Advisers and Accountants simply to be able to introduce the main points of Auto Enrolment to clients. The concept is then for the case to be passed to one of our consultants who will work with our panel of providers to ensure the timely delivery of the staging process.

We will provide:

  • Training webinars
  • Regular News updates
  • Seminars
  • Helplines

Staging Dates

All companies with 30 or less employees are now nearing their Staging Date for implementing a Workplace Pension Scheme. Do you know your staging date?

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Auto Enrolment Solutions for Financial Advisors Auto Enrolment Solutions for Accountants Auto Enrolment Solutions for Employers