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Royal London restricts acceptance of auto enrolment cases


When it comes to auto enrolment, we always advise ‘act now’. When you start your auto enrolment process early, you can gain from great payment plans and make big savings on your staging fee. Apart from monetary savings, staging early reduces the stresses of the process, lets you avoid rushed decisions and stops you missing your staging date, receiving hefty fines.

Many companies offering auto enrolment services are stopping the intake of clients for certain staging dates. Quite simply, there is a bottle neck and companies seriously run the risk of missing their staging dates.

The Royal London have released a statement to their clients informing future applications for staging dates from, the 1st of October 2015, will not be accepted.

"The second large month of employers staging is October and although we have been anticipating a large increase in new schemes, in the last 2 weeks alone we have seen an unexpected and dramatic increase in schemes being tendered. We have therefore decided to take action now to maintain our quality standards and ensure that you have certainty of supply as early as possible."

Isobel Langton, CEO Intermediary of Royal London, then goes on to say:

"Ordinarily we decline to accept tenders at least 3 months before the employers staging date, but given the significant number of new tenders we have recently received, we have decided to bring that cut-off date forward."

We are finding more and more auto enrolment businesses safeguarding their quality of service and workload by employing a cut off date many months before the staging date. This poses serious problems for business owners waiting until last minute to start their staging process.

We’ve got plenty of handy tools to keep you informed:
Find out your staging date here Find out how much it will cost you here

Contact us today on 01292 317214 to discuss your auto enrolment solutions and ask us about our cost effective packages.


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